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Oprah's Interview With Barbara Walters

I know I'll be front and center tonight as Barbara Walters interviews my Auntie (in my head), Ms. Oprah Winfrey. Check out a clip from the interview where Oprah addresses gay rumors.

I don't think Oprah is gay, I think she's a woman with PLENTY MONEY and realizes that she can do things HER WAY. I watched one of her shows where she and Gayle went on a camping trip. While watching them, I could see that they had a TRUE FRIENDSHIP. I'm glad they have one another because as a woman, I understand how hard it is to find TRUE FRIENDSHIP amongst females. I'm sure it's a million times harder for a woman in Oprah's position to find that, and she's clearly found it with Gayle. Make sure you all catch the show tonight on ABC at 9/8 Central.

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