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My Custom MAC Palette | June "Atlantic Blue"

my custom mac palette atlantic blue swatch

Hi lovelies!  Today I am here with my 6th post in "My Custom MAC Palette" series.  If you are new to my blog, its simple.  Every month this year I am buying a single MAC eye shadow so that by December 2016 I will have a complete palette.
This month I totally stepped outside of the rosey-golden neutrals by adding a pop of colour.  I grabbed MAC's "Atlantic Blue" for $8+tax and have been really enjoying playing around with this pop of colour.

I am really excited to start using this on my lower lash line.  I think that is the perfect way to rock a brighter colour on a casual sort of way. Stay tuned for a tutorial or a #fotd themed post!

While I was at MAC I was eyeing what colour I will be getting for July.  As you can see I am starting to build a bit of a gradient in each row.  Well, I found the perfect shadow to slip in between Jest and Woodwinked!  Can't wait to share that with you in July.

my custom mac palette atlantic blue swatch

Atlantic Blue
Star Violet

As always, I love hearing about your favourite MAC shadows.  What are your must haves?  I've got six spots left!

PS-- what do you think of my new photo editing?  I started using a new program and I am in love. Look at those little glittery things!

Other Posts in This Series

January (Yogurt, Jest, Blackberry, Star Violet)
February (Woodwinked)
March (Satin Taupe)
April (Quarry)
May (Ploof!)

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